The gem upon the hill…We visited the small town called Vezelay in central france. It is supposed to be one of the most beautiful towns in France and for a reason.
Located on a hill, surrounded by wine fields it is offering the most spectacular views, which have attracted artists and writers for a long time, to settle there and fin inspiration for their work.
Although it is such a famous sport and therefor also attracting many day-tourists, it is not losing its charm like. The small steep allies offer charming bars and restaurants, galleries and art shops and an impressive cathedral located at the highest point of the village.
Walking Vezelay streets gave us such la vie française emotions, that Jaap of course couldn’t resist and capture the vibe.
Here are some impressions of the walk up the hill.

Once you made your way through the nice streets lined with wonderful buildings and facades, you will be gifted with the view of the cathedral and a beautiful park.

Up the hill you have an amazing view on the surrounding landscape so wide that you can see the horizon.

A beautiful and inspiring place, that we will always keep in our hearts.
Thank you for being here,